The Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) - Safeguarding Safety
The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a trade agreement that is currently being negotiated between the European Union and the United States. It aims to remove trade barriers in a wide range of economic sectors including passenger cars. The EU and the U.S. also want to tackle barriers such as differences in technical regulations, standards and approval procedures. ETSC stresses that, it is essential that common vehicle safety standards are moved up, not down. ETSC emphasises that there is an urgent need to compare the different standards so as to work out item by item which standards are higher and suited to the EU. ETSC calls on the EC not to rush into merging the two vehicle safety standards and approaches. Both need to be evaluated and assessed carefully. The EU should not allow a harmonisation with U.S. standards unless EU vehicle safety standards can be matched or bettered. |
13 March 2014 |
Weights and dimensions of heavy goods vehicles - maximising safety
ETSC strongly supports the need for the front end design of HGVs to be improved to reduce the current risks to both car occupants and vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists (VRUs). A change in design could have a significant impact on the number of deaths and serious injuries involved in collisions with HGVs. |
27 January 2014 |
Memorandum to the Greek Presidency of the EU
In this briefing, ETSC outlines its recommendations on the key EU road safety policy dossiers to be steered by the Greek presidency of the European Union in the first half of 2014. These include securing agreements on EU legislation on automated in-vehicle emergency calling (eCall) and safer lorry design. We also examine the main recent and forthcoming policy initiatives from the European Commission including progress on in-vehicle safety technologies such as Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) for professional vehicles and alcohol interlocks for certain vehicle and driver categories, with recommendations for maximising the results for road safety. |
20 December 2013 |
Intelligent Speed Assistance: Frequently Asked Questions
8 November 2013 |
EU Cross Border Enforcement Directive: Frequently Asked Questions
7 November 2013 |
Roadworthiness Package MEP Briefing
22 April 2013 |
MEP Briefing Road Safety Report September 2011
20 September 2011 |
Drink Driving in Belgium
21 January 2011 |
Drink Driving in Italy
24 December 2010 |
Speed Fact Sheet 7: Setting Appropriate, Safe, and Credible Speed Limits
29 January 2010 |
Speed Fact Sheet 6
18 December 2009 |
Speed Fact Sheet 5 Section Control
17 September 2009 |
Drink Driving in Spain
29 May 2009 |
Drink Driving Country Fact Sheet France
16 March 2009 |
Speed Fact Sheet 4: ITS and Speed
13 March 2009 |
Drink Driving Recidivism
17 December 2008 |
Speed Fact Sheet 3: Downsizing Cars
1 December 2008 |
Drink Driving and Young and Novice Drivers
28 November 2008 |
Speed Fact Sheet 2: Penalty Points
27 June 2008 |
Fact Sheet Drink Driving Enforcement
18 March 2008 |
Speed Fact Sheet 1: German Autobahn
28 February 2008 |
Drink Driving Fact Sheet
21 January 2008 |
Fact Sheet VOICE Hungary
The Hungarian version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
23 December 2007 |
Fact Sheet VOICE Lithuania
The Lithuanian version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
22 December 2007 |
Fact Sheet VOICE Greece
The Greek version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
18 December 2007 |
Fact Sheet VOICE Austria EN
The German version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
5 November 2007 |
Fact Sheet VOICE Portugal EN
The Portuguese version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
26 July 2007 |
VOICE Ireland
19 February 2007 |
The Italian version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
19 December 2006 |
MEP briefing Mid-term Review Third Road Safety Action Programme
14 November 2006 |
VOICE Czech Republic
The Czech version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
27 October 2006 |
EP Mini-Hearing on Road Safety - Contribution of Jesus Monclus
14 September 2006 |
EP Mini-Hearing on Road Safety - Contribution of Ilona Buttler
14 September 2006 |
VOICE Poland
The Polish version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
13 July 2006 |
The Spanish version of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
28 April 2006 |
Fact Sheet on Child Safety Restraints 2006
25 April 2006 |
Fact Sheet on Seat Belt Use 2006
25 April 2006 |
Fact Sheet on Road Safety Day
13 April 2006 |
Driving Licencing
27 March 2006 |
Third Road Safety Action Programme
14 February 2006 |
Enforcement achievements under the Third Road Safety Action Programme
14 February 2006 |
eSafety that matters
14 February 2006 |
VOICE Belgium
The Dutch and French versions of this fact sheet may be found under VOICE Facts. |
10 February 2006 |
7 February 2006 |
Driving licence
14 December 2005 |
Vulnerability of UK Pedestrians and Cyclists
2 November 2005 |
The Safety of Heavy Duty Vehicles
7 September 2005 |
Motor Vehicle Speed in the EU
7 September 2005 |
Road Safety Audit
14 July 2005 |
Alcohol interlocks
27 June 2005 |
Cross-Border Enforcement
6 May 2005 |
Seat Belts and Child Restraints
1 March 2005 |
Traffic law enforcement
13 September 2004 |