Since 1993, ETSC has brought together more than 150 internationally renowned experts from across EU Member States to forge consensus about research-based safety priorities. With the support of the Secretariat, this "pool" of independent experts has produced over 20 reviews with recommendations for action for presentation to ETSC's Main Council. Other actions include requests for advice from the Secretariat from time to time.
The working parties are established for the specific purpose of producing a review to which ETSC has committed in one of its projects. Each ETSC review is drafted by a working party of at least 10 independent experts. Working party members are chosen for their contributions as individual experts not as representatives of any organisation or country. Any advice given is expected to be free from commercial or national bias.
The tasks of the working parties are:
To provide technical support to ETSC's Main Council (link), the policymaking committee of ETSC. The Main Council of ETSC comprises representatives from international and national safety, technical, research, insurance and user organisations.
To help ETSC to ensure that its advice to policymakers in Europe is based on the best information available.
To assist ETSC in the identification of research based solutions and best practice internationally where the greatest opportunities lie for reductions in transport crashes and casualties.
To assist ETSC in the preparation of reviews, policy papers and fact sheets directed at policymakers from across the European Union.
Dr. René Amalberti | IMASSA -CERMA, F |
Prof. Torbjorn Akerstedt | Karolinska Institute, S |
Prof. Richard Allsop | University College London, UK |
Mr. Dago Antov | Stratum Ltd., EE |
Mr. Francisco Aparicio | Stratum Ltd., EE |
Ms. Maria Attard | Malta Transport Authority, M |
Mr. Johan Bäckman | SSPA Sweden AB, S |
Prof. Knud Benedict | Hochschule Wismar, D |
Dr. Marie-Berthe Biecheler-Fretel | INRETS, F |
Dr. Bernhard Biehl | University of Mannheim, D |
Prof. Dr. Werner Brilon | Ruhr Universität Bochum, D |
Dr. Jeremy Broughton | TRL, UK |
Ms. Martha Brouwer | SWOV, NL |
Ms. Ilona Buttler | Motor Transport Institute, PL |
Prof. Dr. Walter Buylaert | University Hospital Gent, B |
Mr. Joao Cardoso | LNEC, PT |
Mr. Thomas Carlson | NTF, S |
Mr. David Cami | REGES, E |
Dr. Oliver Carsten | University of Leeds, UK |
Mr. Jean-Pierre Cauzard | INRETS, F |
Mr. Dominique Cesari | INRETS, F |
Mr. John Chatterto Ross | FIM , UK |
Mr. Finbarr Crowley | National Roads Authority, IRL |
Ms. Eva Csapo | Central office for Statistics, HU |
Ms. Elena de la Peña | Spanish Road Association, E |
Ms. Gilles Debray | La Prévention Routiere , F |
Mr. Patric Derweduwen | Institut Belge pour la Sécurité Routière, B |
Mr. Joao Dias | Technical University of Lisbon, PT |
Ms. Maria Dobesova | LUCIDO, SK |
Prof. Lorenzo Domenichini | University of Firenze, I |
Dr. Lars Ekman | Lund Institute of Technology, S |
Mr. Rune Elvik | TØI, N |
Mr. Peter Elsenaar | Ministry of Transport and Water Management, NL |
Mr. Lars Eriksson | Advisory Aid Services, S |
Mr. Robert Esberger | Statistics Austria, A |
Prof. Andrew Evans | University College London, UK |
Mr. Charis Evripidou | Cyprus Police, CY |
Mr. Mario Falzon | Malta Transport Authority, M |
Mr. Dominique Fleury | INRETS, F |
Dr. Raymond Fuller | Trinity College Dublin, IRL |
Ms. Catherine Garo | Kassel University, D |
Mr. Cees C. Glansdorp | Marine Analytics B.V., NL |
Dr. Charles Goldenbeld | SWOV, NL |
Prof. Dr. R.J.A. Goris | Academisch Ziekenhuis Nijmegen, NL |
Prof. John Groeger | University of Surrey, UK |
Ms. Michele Guillaume | Institut Belge pour la Sécurité Routière, B |
Dr. Rudolf Günther | University of Turbingen, D |
Mr. Patrick Hamelin | INRETS, F |
Mr. Yannis Handanos | Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, GR |
Mr. Lasse Hantula | Finnish Motor Insurers Centre, FIN |
Mr. Tom Heijer | SWOV, NL |
Mr. Cees Heijster | ITSA, NL |
Mr. Jaroslav Heinrich | HBH Projekt, CZ |
Ir. Wim Hendrikse | Ministry of Transport and Water Management, NL |
Dr. Lene Herrstedt | ATKINS Danmark, DK |
Prof Sjoerd Hengst | TU Delft, NL |
Mr. Dries Hop | Police academy of the Netherlands, NL |
Mr. Stefan Hoeglinger | KfV, A |
Dr. Péter Holló | KTI, H |
Dr. Denis Huguenin | BfU, CH |
Mr. Bertil Hylén | European Commission |
Ms. Marie-Chantal Jayet | INRETS, F |
Ir. Edgar Janssen | TNO, NL |
Ms. Samantha Jamson | ITS University of Leeds , UK |
Mr. Søren Underlien Jensen | Aktins Danmark, DK |
Prof. Peter Jorna | National Aerospace Laboratory, NL |
Mr. Panagiotis Kalaitzis | Ministry of Communications and Works, CY |
Mr. Veli-Pekka Kallberg | VTT, FIN |
Mr. Vratislav Kelnar | CDV, CZ |
Dr. Jan Kildebogaard | Technical University of Denmark, DK |
Mr Matthijs Koornstra | SWOV, NL |
Dipl. Ing. Werner Köppel | Institut für Strassenverkehr, D |
Mr. Finn Kronborg Mazanti | FIM, INT |
Dr. Risto Kulmala | VTT, FIN |
Mr. Anders Kullgren | Folksam, S |
Mr. Harri Kuusk | Estonian Road Administration, EE |
Ms. Jacqueline Lacroix | Deutscher Verkehrssicherheitsrat- DVR, D |
Dr. Klaus Langwieder | Verband der Schadenversicherer, D |
Mr. Péter Lányi | Ministry of Economy and Transport, H |
Mr. Jüri Lavrentjev | University of Tallinn, EE |
Mr. Ziedonis Lazda | Ministry of Transport, LV |
Prof. Antonio Lemonde de Macedo | LNEC, P |
Mr. Gundars Liberts | Riga Technical University, LV |
Dr. Gunnar Lind | Royal Institute of Technology, S |
Mr. Thomas Ljungström | Sjofartsverket -Swedish Maritime Administration, S |
Dr. Klaus Machata | KfV, A |
Dr. Tapani Mäkinen | VTT, FIN |
Mr. Gilles Malaterre | INRETS, F |
Prof. Jean Marchal | University of Liège, B |
Prof. G. Murray Mackay | UK |
Dr. Nick McDonald | Trinity College Dublin, IRL |
Prof. Vito Mauro | MIZAR Automazione, I |
Dr. Christa Michalik | A |
Dr. Josef Mikulik | CDV, CZ |
Dr. Jesús Monclus | CDTI, E |
Mr. George Morfakis | Ministry of Communications and Works, CY |
Ms. Nicole Muhlrad | INRETS, F |
Dr. Aristotelis Naniopoulos | Aristotle University of Thessalonica, GR |
Prof. Dr. Bernard Nemitz | C.H.U. Hôpital Nord Amiens, F |
Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich | Klinikum der Universität Regensberg, D |
Prof. Jon Nicholl | School of Health & Related Research Sheffield, UK |
Dr. Göran Nilsson | VTI, S |
Mr. Per Ortenwall | Prehospital and Disaster Medicine Centre, S |
Mr. Dietmar Otte | Medical University Hanover, D |
Capt. Johannes Palmgren | S |
Ms. Irén Papp | H |
Mr. Tomaž Pavcic | Roads Directorate , SI |
Mr. Jose Luis Petragosa | REGES, E |
Mr. Jan Pelckmans | IBSR, B |
Mr. Michel Piers | National Aerospace Laboratory, NL |
Mr. Franciszek Pietrucha | PROFIL, PL |
Prof. Fernando Pina Da Silva | IDMEC, P |
Mr. Juan Antonio Plaza Rubio | Ministerio de Fomento, E |
Mr. Marko Polic | University of Ljubljana, SI |
Mr. Wojciech Przybylski | Motor Transport Institute, PL |
Prof. Harilaos Psaraftis | National Technical University of Athens, GR |
Mr. Alvis Pukitis | Ministry of Transport, LV |
Mr. Allan Quimby | TRL, UK |
Mr. Milan Rezetka | Transport Research Institute, SK |
Ing. Stefano Ricci | University of Rome “La Sapienza”, I |
Prof. Ian Roberts | London School of Hygiene and Tropicl Medicine, UK |
Dr. Alexander Samel | Institute of Aerospace Medicine, D |
Mr. Chris Schoon | SWOV, NL |
Prof. Jörg Schütte | Technische Universität Dresden, D |
Prof. Dr. Peter Sefrin | Klinik für Anaesthesiologie Würzburg, D |
Prof. Franco Servadei | Ospedale M. Bufalini Cesena, I |
Dr. Stefan Siegrist | BfU, CH |
Mr. Sven-Erik Sigfridsson | S |
Dr. Giuseppe Soncin | Instituto Automazione Navale, I |
Mr. Jesper Sølund | Danish Road Safety Council, Dk |
Dr. Edgar Spoerer | AFN, D |
Mr. Robert Štastný | Ministry of Transport, CZ |
Dr. John Stoop | T.U. Delft, NL |
Mr. David Sutton | Malta Transport Authority, M |
Mr. Frank Taylor | Cranfield University, UK |
Mr. Jan Tecl | CDV, CZ |
Mr. Pete Thomas | ICE Ergonomics Ltd, UK |
Prof. Ole Thorson | INTRA, E |
Prof. Maurizio Tira | University of Brescia, I |
Mr. Anastassios Tsaglas | Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, GR |
Mr. José Miguel Trigoso | Prevencao Rodoviaria Portuguesa, P |
Ms. Kirsten Tode | Danish Road Safety Council, DK |
Mr. Thomas Turbell | VTI, S |
Dr. Hans Utzelmann | TÜV Akademie Rheinland, D |
Mr. Truls Vaa | TØI, N |
Ms. Pirjo Valkama-Joutsen | Finnish Accident Investigation Board, FIN |
Mr. Ward Vanlaar | Traffic Injury Research Foundation, CDN |
Mr. Sven Vlassenroot | IMOB - Transportation Research Institute, IDM - Institute for Sustainable Mobility, B |
Mr. Peter Vansevenant | City of Ghent, B |
Ms. Heather Ward | University College London, UK |
Ms. Elaine Mackay | USA |
Dr. Freek van Ouwerkerk | Stichting VEWO, NL |
Mr. Sándor Vincze-Pap | Autokut, H |
Mr. Hans-Joachim Vollpracht | Ministerium für Stadtentwicklung, Wohnen und Verkehr des Landes Brandenburg, D |
Mr. Rüdiger Vom Hövel | TÜV InterTraffic GmbH, ISEB, D |
Prof. Hans von Holst | Karolinska Hospital Stockholm, S |
Mr. Wilbert Walta | Dutch Transport Safety Board, NL |
Ms. Heather Ward | UCL, UK |
Mr Fred Wegman | SWOV, NL |
Mr. Paul Wesemann | SWOV, NL |
Mr. Martin Winkelbauer | KfV , D |
Prof. George Yannis | National Technical University of Athens, G |
Prof. David Yates | Salford Royal Hospital, UK |
Prof. Dr. Ing. Heinz Zackor | University of Kassel, D |
Mr. Jörgen Zachau | Swedish Maritime Administration, S |
Prof. Aniceto Zaragoza | Asociación Española de la Carretera, E |
Ms. Anna Zielinska | Motor Transport Institute, PL |
Ms. Pilar Zori Bertolín | Dirección Generla de Tráfico, E |
Mr. Samo Zupan | University of Ljubljana, SI |