Members: bfu

The Swiss Council for Accident Prevention (bfu) is a private, politically independent foundation. It has been legally entrusted with the task of preventing accidents in the areas of road traffic, sports, home and leisure.

The bfu was founded in 1938 and presently employs about 90 persons. It is financed by the obligatory premium which is paid by every gainfully employed person to prevent non-occupational accidents, as well as by the Swiss Road Safety Fund and through its own services.

The vision of the bfu is that people should no longer be seriously injured or killed by any accidents, neither in traffic, nor at work, at home and at leisure. Our activities comprise both research and awareness raising.

The research department of the bfu observes accidents, concentrates on the principal risks and analyses them. It works in an interdisciplinary manner and takes psychology, law, technique and medicine into account. The bfu co-operates with national and international research projects and organizations.

bfu also provides

Moreover, we have about 1200 safety delegates in the communities who directly counsel the individuals, authorities, associations, organizations and local media.

bfu has been a member of ETSC since 1998.

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