En route to a European strategy for serious injuries on the roads

Press release - 19 March 2013

"ETSC commends the European Commission for announcing a common definition of serious injuries in road traffic collisions. We are hopeful the Commission will build on this important step with a strategy including a target and concrete actions for follow-up and monitoring of Member States' progress," said Antonio Avenoso, ETSC Executive Director.

"The common definition is the first step in tackling the unacceptably high number of serious injuries on EU roads. We know that speed, alcohol and drugs and failure to wear a seatbelt are the three main killers on the roads. But these risk factors do not only kill, they also injure, impair and maim," Mr. Avenoso said.

"We strongly believe the European Commission must come forward with an EU reduction target for serious injuries. A 35% reduction in the number of road traffic serious injuries over the period 2014-2020 would be both challenging and achievable for the Member States," concluded Mr. Avenoso.

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